Failsafe Crazy Shake by Fran McGovern
Decadence at its finest! Crazy shakes have made a huge hit the cafes, they all look amazing and some can even make you cringe with the bright colours and the amount of numbers in them. Here is a delicious amazing failsafe version you can indulge in for yourself or family as a treat.
“Had my first attempt at a failsafe crazy shake. The cream collapsed faster than I could take the pic but the little man was impressed regardless.”
Carob Syrup
Ice cream
Aldi whipped cream in a can
Carob cookies
Aldi butter waffle crisp
Musk stick
Pour a drizzle of carob syrup around the edge of the glass.
Then pour in the milk and add a tiny scoop of ice cream.
Top with the Aldi cream in a can, a carob cookie, sprinkle with honeycomb crumbled into pieces, an Aldi butter waffle crisp, a musk stick, then another drizzle of carob syrup on top.
Stock list:
Carob Syrup – you can make your own (Recipe from Cooking for Oscar) or most health food shops stock it. There is the Australian Carob Co brand and The Carob Kitchen available.
Aldi butter waffle crisps – are a special buy at Aldi that comes out once or twice a year.
Ice cream – A list of suitable failsafe ice creams can be found on the Fed Up web site. Ensure that it does not contain 160b (160a is ok).
Aldi whipped cream in a can
Carob cookies – recipe from Domestic Diva.
Honeycomb – can be purchased from Allergy Train or Carobana
Must sticks – from Allergy Train.
Photo’s by Fran McGovern
Wow Fran, that is pretty impressive.